Saturday, July 11, 2009

Belfast, day 3...4? anyway

I am not really sure how to express everything I've got going on right now. I've written something else on a word document title "my rant" and am choosing to hang on to that one for a while, until I really get a chance to look it all over. So we've been in Belfast 3 days now and we are supposed to leave Monday. I am opting for a change of itenerary. Why? Because I've yet to meet the wonderful people whose house we're in and well I am having an awesome time. The Cotter family, pictured earlier, has been ...beyond amazing, just so awesome to be with. As Craig said, they have 5 kids, 4 girls and a boy, and we have spent some time with them now and they've really grown on me (this doesn't usually take long since I love kids). But these kids in particular are pretty amazing. TOday I played 3 serious games of "go fish" and hopped and ran around the Giant's Causeway (pictures coming soon). It's 1:30am here and only 5:30pm at home. I am up and feeling like I needed to update you all. God is good, so good to us, and perhaps He is always this good, but I really have had a chance to see His daily provision, we are really getting a taste (not a complete understanding) of what "our daily bread" means. Daily God has provided for our needs, be it spiritual, physical, mental. I mean really, while traveling Ireland by car, we had our own built in accomodations and wheels, all in one-it was not always comfortable and I still have the bite marks from those awful midges, miges? (little gnat sized insects with a giant mosquito sized bite, in bee sized sworms) yeah pretty terrible thing to wake up to in Killarney. But really, I mean we could've gotten hurt or a multitude of things could've happened that would've changed the trip. I could've had a nasty attitude, Craig could've had a nasty attitude... you get the idea. Bottom line: Daily I have seen and experienced, the hand of God; his orchestrating, and daily I am ever so thankful to have experienced it and have taken notice of it.
I have recently received an email from an old acquaintance, thanks Katie, who is living in Norway and has openly and quite warmly invited us to come and stay with her and her husband, and hopefully find work to do. Again, this is an acquaintance, I met her years ago, briefly, we had an awesome time together undoubtedly, but I haven't really talked to her since that time and now she is inviting Craig and I to come and stay with her and it is ....once again OVERWHELMING! (Larissa help me out here and give me another word) Thanks so much guys, for your prayers and encouragement, for believing in what God is leading us to do, for opening up your homes, for managing our accounts while we are away (Meg: meow) Craig and I are so blessed to have wonderful people all around us and I am never unaware of this-truly it is something that is in my mind constantly and I am so glad it is. Thanks, keep praying, we love you.

By the way, the fires are beginning to burn, literally, outside the window I can see a huge bonfire burning up, it's not the giant one pictured earlier but another one nearby. Hopefully we will get pictures tomorrow-crazy.


  1. AAAHHHHHHH is a good word for overwhelming!

  2. It's so great to be reminded of God's provision and overwhelming presence in our lives. I'm thankful for being reminded of that, keep the blogs coming!!!
