Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Sunny Afternoon!

Yesterday we took advantage of the final hours of the sunny day, and went out on the sailboat to soak up the sun. We did a little fishing as well. Mariella caught one Mackerel and I caught two. Unfortunately, one of my fish escaped as I attempted to fill up the fish bucket with more sea water. We will cook the fish for dinner tonight (Tuesday). Crystal (whom we are staying with) completed another quarter of her master degree program. We celebrated with turkey sandwiches, Sprite and cookies as we floated along in the fjord.
Mariella and I are really blessed by spending time with Crystal. We frequently discuss the joys and challenges that accompany a marriage relationship. We are experiencing transformation as we are transparent before each other and God about our marital successes and challenges. We find that our discussions are bringing about much needed change and growth. Just last night we had a candlelit discussion, really it was more like a counseling session, Maryanne you would’ve enjoyed this, she pretty much did what you did when we were living with you guys-pretty awesome, she Crystal’s husband returns today from his two weeks of work out on an oil rig. We look forward to meeting him.

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