Thursday, June 18, 2009

about blogging? From a very new blogger.

Ok, so I think I figured it out. If any of you know better, please post something on here and inform me and all of our peeps how to. I think in order to comment you must first have a blog account. I am not sure if this means you have to blog or what, but when I sign in I am able to comment on other people's blogs, otherwise you can just view the blog and that's it.

I would encourage you all to sign up or sign in or whatever because I like to get comments, is that a good enough reason? I mean it almost beats getting mail, like real mail, you know the kind that the REAL person delivers to that REAL, not virtual, mailbox and the kind where you can see eachother's poor penmanship and love everything about it. yeah, I like it that much so, sign up or figure out a way to comment without signing up and say hello to us every now and again. I mean we ARE leaving for a while!

By the way, I got a new haircut, thanks Amber.


  1. Zachary asked just this morning when you guys are leaving. I shocked myself when I told him on Monday. Wow! Ready? Set? Go!!!!!!!!!

  2. I want to see the new do. Post a picture. Have you looked ahead to figure out what country you will be in on your 2nd year wedding anniversary? How cool will that be! Wow! I am so excited for you two and I will be praying for your safety everyday. Love you 2 sooo much. Mamacita

  3. only 3 days left and then you are leaving me all alone with sweet, wonderful, kind, grandma..... I cant wait for you to have this adventure but am totally bummed that you will be away for so long.... love you guys

  4. I'm so excited for you guys. You will be so miss but the time will fly by. Can't wait to follow you two around the World!!!! xoxo -Meow

  5. I have a blog therefore I can comment, booya.

    PS- You should send me REAL mail with your AWESOME penmanship ( I almost just typed my address, dumb).

  6. Hi Mariella, If you go to the settings folder, then "comments", you have options for who can comment: anyone, registered users, users with google accounts, or only members of this blog. Of course, it's up to you guys if you want to allow anyone.

    (I'm excited to be following your adventure!)
